Tim Muindi
Tim, Co-Founder of the Muindi Foundation was born and raised in Kenya to parents who believed our short time here on earth was bigger than just ourselves and that we were meant to positively impact others and our communities. His parents set a great example for him by giving their time and financial resources to those unserved or underserved in our community. In the late 90’s they established Tumaini Children’s Home in their hometown of Nyeri, Kenya to serve children who were homeless, abandoned or orphaned. Through this ministry, Tim witnessed the impact people can have purely by acting on what they see as a need. Listening to the many stories of children at Tumaini about their journey, he was touched by how their sense of self-worth was being restored simply by just someone caring and acting to fill a need.

When Tim moved to the San Francisco Bay Area almost 20 years ago, he became active in the community through various church outreach programs catering to those who were underserved in the community. He saw a great need as many faced food insecurity, lack of shelter, limited economic opportunity, mental health issues, among many others. Tim along with his wife, Serena, decided to periodically start gathering a small group of friends to prepare simple meals at their home and sharing these meals with those who were homeless in their community. Through these outreach opportunities they have been able to, in some small way, meet some of the needs and have continued to mobilize more people to act.
Tim’s heart breaks every time he sees people hungry and homeless, especially children. He has heard many stories while out serving and many that he talked to aspire of being self-sufficient so they may be able to provide for their families. Any small part that he can play to make a positive impact on our community is an opportunity that he is thankful for during his short time here on earth. He encourages you to join us in this journey.
Tim has a Bachelor of Science degree in Accounting/Information technology and a Master of Business Administration, Finance from the Willamette University. His career includes various finance/ treasury consultant and management positions at CNF, Ernst & Young, Seagate, Tibco, LinkedIn, Lumentum and Service Now as Senior Director of Treasury Services.