Muindi Foundation

Academic Support

Why Mentorship Academic Support Matters:

  1.  Educational Workshops: We host workshops covering essential topics such as study
    skills, time management, and exam preparation. These sessions provide valuable
    knowledge and strategies to support academic success for both students and parents.

  2. Technology Access and Training: Bridging the digital divide, we provide access to
    computers, internet connectivity, and educational software. This ensures students have the
    necessary tools for assignments and online learning, accompanied by training to utilize
    technology effectively.

  3. Enrichment Programs and Extracurricular Activities: Our enrichment programs, including
    art workshops, music workshops, team building activities, meditation and stretching
    workshops, offer students opportunities to explore interests, develop new skills, and foster a
    love for learning beyond traditional classrooms.

  4. Family Engagement and Support Services: We offer workshops for parents, covering
    topics such as parent involvement in education, navigating the school system, and
    advocating for children’s needs.

  5. Tutoring and Mentoring Programs: Through one-on-one or group tutoring sessions led by
    mentors, we provide personalized academic assistance and guidance to students struggling
    in certain subjects.

  6. School Supplies and Library Access: We supply essential school materials such as
    backpacks, dictionaries, thesauruses, and flashcards. Additionally, our library offers a wide
    selection of books for children to borrow, enhancing their learning experience.