A man and woman standing at a table with bags of food. Past Events

August is Boomer’s Making a Difference

August is Boomer’s Making a Difference

Boomers Making a Difference Month

August is Boomers Making a Difference Month. Baby boomers are typically identified as anyone born between 1945 and the early 1960’s. Many of those hard-working individuals that you meet while serving our community are baby boomers. Baby boomers have seen huge cultural and social changes in their time. Born before the popularity of television, they have lived through decades of world upheaval. Brought up before Walmart and the internet, they have had to make their way without access to the extras that we all now take for granted.

The Muindi foundation would like to thank our Boomer volunteers who have been generous and selfless with their time, talents, and resources to serve the homeless in Santa Clara County. Often times they have led the way in planning and leading events to help support the homeless.

Baby boomers continue to make a difference in today’s world. For all of the baby boomers out there, celebrate August and the difference you have made in today’s society.

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